
Yes, fires

Abbotsford Fire Fighters handle all types of fires - house fires, apartment fires, industrial fires, vehicle fires, wildland fires - to name a few.

The number of fire fighters responding to a fire depends on the severity of the fire. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that 15 - 17 personnel respond to a single family house fire, due to the many tasks and responsibilities which need to be taken care of at a fire scene. Some NFPA standards are not currently being met in the City of Abbotsford.

Motor Vehicle Accidents & Extrication

Abbotsford Fire Fighters respond to all vehicle accidents to assess and stabilize the scene. Some times an efficient and expedient rescue is required. When a few wasted seconds can cost lives, sometimes the Jaws of Life are utilized to remove victims from the crashed vehicle. These hydraulic tools are specially designed to remove patients from vehicles.

Fire fighters must ensure that the vehicle is stable so it does not shift during the rescue, which could endanger both those that are injured and the emergency personnel on scene. They help the injured by providing medical assistance – supporting their head and neck, and stabilizing any broken bones, dressing open wounds, etc. – before other medical assistance arrives.



medical response

Abbotsford Professional Fire Fighters are licensed First Responders. From a child choking, to a person suffering a heart attack or a fall, the fire fighter provides pre-hospital, pre-ambulance care when someone is injured or experiences a medical problem. Abbotsford’s Professional Fire Fighters are trained in the usage of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) and they are carried on every apparatus. Early access to an AED greatly increases the chances someone will survive cardiac arrest. They are also trained in the delivery of Naloxone, which is used to block the effects of opioids and help a person suffering from an overdose, as well as pulse oximetry and taking blood pressures.



The number of unknowns often poses a larger threat than the spill, leak, fire or break. HazMat teams are trained to handle material spills, leaks and fires. They include: natural and chlorine gas leaks, gasoline spills, fuel tanker, rail car, boat and industrial accidents, in addition to chemical spills and radiation leakage.

HazMat incidents are potentially one of the most dangerous and unpredictable types of calls fire fighters can respond to. Each year thousands of fire fighters are exposed to chemical and biological hazards in the performances of their duties.


Technical High Angle Rope Rescue

Rope rescue is a highly specialized discipline under the NFPA 1006 technical rescue standards. Using ropes and hardware to rig rescue systems, fire fighters are able to access and remove patients when normal means are not possible. Situations include rooftops, silos, tower cranes, steep hiking trails and mountain sides.


Abbotsford’s Professional Fire Fighters get dedicated time in their schedule for training. This involves not only skills and proficiency training, but also fitness training to help keep them both proficient and ready to perform.

Abbotsford also has a dedicated training centre with live fire props, a search maze, a tower crane, vehicles for practicing auto extrication techniques and a burn building.


Abbotsford professional fire fighters perform daily fire safety inspections while on duty. We ensure that a building complies with the B.C. Fire Code and the B.C. Building Code, that there is overall worker and community safety, and that inhabitants or workers are aware of fire escape procedures.


From fire alarms in schools or apartment buildings, to assisting the elderly if they have fallen and are unable to get up, fire fighters frequently perform public service calls.  These calls vary from a minimal to a significant percentage of the day-to-day work of a fire fighter. 


Abbotsford professional fire fighters are committed to serving our community off and on the job. We strive to make a difference by volunteering our time for multiple charitable and community service initiatives.